6 Entertaining Facts About Japan
6 Entertaining Facts About Japan
This country and its people never stop astounding us! Japanese
fashion, food, culture, technologies, cosplay craziness and much more,
it’s a land of entertainment with a rich history and interesting
traditions. It seems you never know enough about Japan, it always comes
up with something brilliant new! But it does not mean our cool facts about this nation will be of no interest to you.
1. Eating loud is not rude in Japan, quite on the contrary!
When you slurp your food it means you’re enjoying how it tastes.
2. Japan is one of best educated nations in the world.
The country has one of the highest literacy levels, 99% of Japanese children aged 15+ are literate.
3. Japanese couples in 98% cases prefer to adopt male adults.
This practice has been applied in Japan since the 13th century to support social and economic mobility of the nation.
4. The number of pets in Japan is higher than the number of children.
Young Japanese people more and more often choose not to have children. The nation is getting older, the number of youngsters is decreasing.
5. Adult diapers are more popular in Japan than diapers for babies.
The reason is the same, there are too many old people in the country.
15. Japan has a highway going thru the building.
The Gate Tower Building is located in Osaka.
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